We at Dunebat Country wholeheartedly support these causes, charities, and organizations.
- ADA (American Diabetes Association)
- AHA (American Heart Association)
- ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
- Biblical Archaeological Society
- Blood:Water Mission
- Buy Nothing Project
- Doctors Without Borders
- Don’t Mess With Texas
- EFF (Electronic Freedom Foundation)
- FFOZ (First Fruits of Zion)
- Friends of the IDF
- GLC (God’s Learning Channel)
- IFCJ (International Fellowship of Christians and Jews)
- Internet Archive
- Khan Academy
- McDonald Observatory
- MUFON (Mutual UFO Network)
- NAVS (National Anti-Vivisection Society)
- Odessa Arts
- Operation Underground Railroad
- Project Gutenberg
- SCOUTS (World Organization of the Scouting Movement)
- STARFLEET International
- TSHA (Texas State Historical Association)
- The Planetary Society
- The Tolkien Society
- Titanic Historical Society
- United States Library of Congress
- VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars)
- Vitalant Blood Donation
- Voice of the Martyrs
- Wikimedia
- YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)