The nerdy, brooding, luftmensch xerophile called “Dunebat” (better known as J.C. Bat) is a sketcher, scrivener, and scholar native to West Texas. With almost two decades of experience in graphic arts and broadcast television production, Dunebat is well-versed in the media/entertainment business. He also possesses some meager experience in the private security and information technology industries.
J.C. Bat gains inspiration for his works from his family, friends, and the people he encounters, such as his editor and partner-in-word crimes Empress Kitten, who he met in 2021.
A proud Trekkie, he has successfully converted three people so far into becoming fans of the franchise, and he often enjoys watching other classic nerdy shows such as The X-Files, Daria, and Babylon 5. His writing influences include Michael Crichton, Chris Carter, J. Michael Straczynski, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Ray Bradbury, Bram Stoker, Dan Aykroyd, George Lucas, Ira Steven Behr, Gene Roddenberry, and Terry Pratchett. Though his writing has been inspired by Ghostbusters, The X-Files, and The Lord of the Rings, he was first motivated to write by Revelation 1:19 (KJV):
“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter”.
Read J.C. Bat’s personal vision, mission, and doctrinal statements here.